
Light wash denim button up from Heritage 1981/Forever 21, Loose white/grey stonewashed shirt from Saks 5th, Handmade Denim Cutoff Shorts from Levi, White Sperry’s from Nordstroms, White Silicone Watch from Swatch, Necklace from Metropark, Clubmasters by RayBan.

Is it weird to admit that I’m actually starting to miss school?  And that I’m looking forward to going back in a month? Yes? Okay, well, let’s move on then.  My last outfit post was actually written/photographed back at Chapman, so it has definitely been a while.  I guess I’ve just been lacking in the photographer/tripod area so I haven’t really had the time or the ability to.  But I finally made my friend take pictures of me, and photographer or not, I think the pictures my friend took turned out well!  I say photographer very loosely for she is basically the most un-artistic person I know, so I was surprised that they photos are actually useable.  Is that a word?  Well if not, it is now!  But anyways, the inspiration for this outfit came from my everyday style as well as a look I have been obsessing over.  And that is the combination of the color white with light washed denim shirts and shorts.  It creates an overall very light feel that looks great with tanned skin, so maybe that’s why I love it so much.

One of my favorite international fashion bloggers, Andreas Wijk, can be seen rocking this look very often.

I definitely take after his style and am quite inspired by his outfits in the morning when I can’t think of what to wear.  I wore it quite simply, a button up, shirt, shorts, and sperry’s, but you can definitely wear it differently when you add more layers.  Try a denim jacket, some heather grey, or contrast the outfit with black, like Andreas does in his outfit above.

Try this look at the beach or for casual summer parties — It is definitely one of my favorites.  And that reminds me, I haven’t been to the beach since last month.  That is not okay and will have to change very soon.

Speaking of denim, I stopped by the American Apparel Outlet in my hometown yesterday and came across this amazingly awesome backpack that I absolutely love.

It goes perfectly with this outfit post and I cannot wait to use it back at school!  It’s safe to say that I am getting quite excited for school to resume.  I can’t wait to be back in Orange County and around all of my college buds again!  And well, until next time!

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